A romantic night in the top of a mountain

A romantic night in the top of a mountain
Batu Maringkong


My Curriculum Vitae by March 2015


Nama: Ngakan Putu Oka  (P.O. Ngakan in Publication)

Place and date of Birth: Bali, March 1960

Nationality: Indonesia

Field Study: Conservation Biology

1997: The United Graduate Scholl of Agricultural Sciences, Kagoshima 
          University, JAPAN Ph.D. in Bioenvironment and Plant Protection 
1994: Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan; MSc. 
          in Biological sciences.
1985: Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Ujungpandang 
          (Makassar), Indonesia;  Bachelor in Forest Ecological Sciences.

Occupation: Lecturer of the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University 
          since 1988
          (Teaching subject: Basic Ecology, Vegetation Ecology, Dendrology, 
          Conservation Biology, Natural Resources Management, Ecotourism. 

Position: Professor

Language and Degrees   
of Proficiency: Bahasa Indonesia (excellent)
                          English (Good, writing/reading better than speaking)
                          Japanese (Good, speaking better than writing)

Office Address: Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Hasanuddin
                            Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, Km. 10.
                            Makassar 90245 INDONESIA
                            Tlp / Fax: 0411 589592

Membership in Professional Societies:  
1. ATBC (Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation)
2. JAFTE (Japan Association for Tropical Ecology)

Research Experiences:
2014: Diversity and distribution of under-canopy species at the Experimental Forest
          of Hasanuddin University
2013: Impact of climate change on the reproduction phenology of some mango species in Makassar
2013: Diversity and distribution of tree species at the Experimental 
          Forest of Hasanuddin University
2012: Ecotourism development in the Field Laboratory of Conservation 
          and Ecotourism of the Experimental Forest of Hasanuddin University 
2012: Socially tolerant relationships among wild male moor macaques 
          (Macaca maura)
2011-2012: National policies and local realities: Synergies of conservation 
          developmment and REDD+ in Indonesia
2011: Macaques and the ritual production of sacredness among Balinese 
          transmigrants in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
2010: Distribution of Diospyros celebica (Bakh.) Juveniles Under the 
          Shed of Their Mother Tree in the Experimental Forest of 
          Hasanuddin University
2009: Diversity of Reptile and Amphibian in the Experimental Forest of 
          Hasanuddin University, South Sulawesi
2008: The Contribution of Non Timber Forest Product to the Forest 
          Community Welfare in Sepakat Village, South Sulawesi, 2008. 
          Tiem Leader; In collaboration with Center for International 
          Forestry Research)
2005-2007: Regeneration Process of Tropical Rain Forest After Fire in 
          Bukit Bengkirai, East Kalimantan; In collaboration with 
          Kagoshima University
2003-2004: Study of Maintenance Mechanism of Biodiversity in Tropical 
          Rain Forest: Plant Ecological Research in Forest of Berau, East 
          Kalimantan  (Indonesian Borneo); In collaboration with Kagoshima 
2002-2003: Decentralization of policy making and administration of 
          policies making affecting forest in the outer Islands; Kabupaten 
          Luwu Utara and Mamuju, South Sulawesi; Team Leader (In 
          collaboration with Center for International Forestry Research)
2001: Research on Decentralization of policy making and administration 
          of policies making affecting forest in theouter Islands; Kabupaten 
          Luwu Utara, South Sulawesi; Team Leader, (In collaboration with 
          Center for International Forestry Research)
2000: Evaluation of the Zonation of Taka Bonerate National Park 
          (a research project coordinated by the Lembaga Penelitian 
          Universitas Hasanuddin); Selayar; Teamleader for coastal 
          vegetational surveyors 3 months,
1999-2000: Research on the Biogeography of Insect fauna in Indonesian 
          Islands (Collaborative research with Kyushu University); Sulawesi, 
          Bali, Lombok; Research Team
1988: The impact of the second fire on the forest of Kutai National Park, 
          East Kalimantan; Team Leader
1994: Study on earlier recovery process of Kutai ecosystem II 
          (A collaborative research with Japanese Scientists); East 
          Kalimantan; 1994; Vegetation ecologist; 3 months.   
          Team member

Publication Lists:
-->2020: Activity budget, home range, and habitat use of moor macaques (Macaca maura) in the karst           forest of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Primate, ??: 1-12
2020: Hubungan vegetsi mangrove terhadap kelimpahan makrozoobenthos di Pantai Pangkajene.
          Jurnal Ilmu Alam dan Lingkungan, 11(1)
2019: Isolation and characterization of bacteria from mangroves sediment at coastal area in Pangkep
          South Sulawesi. Journal of Physica: Conference Series 1341(2): 022016
2019: Interaction with human s are jointly influences by life history stage and social network factors
          and reduce group cohesion in moor macaques (Macaca maura). Scientific Report, 9(1): 1-12ß
2019: Periminary assessment of gastrointestinal parasite in two wild groups of endangered moor
          macaques (Macaca maura) from Sulawesi. International Journal of Primatology, 40(6):
2017: The first study on enteric parasites in wild Macaca maura (HR Schinz, 1825), an endangered 
          species endemic  to Sulawesi (Indonesia): a contribution to the global mammal parasite
          database. Folia Primatologica, 88(2): 190-190
2016: Distribution and population structure of the juvenile of Diospyros celebica Bakh. under the 
          canopy of their mother-tree. Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Wallacea, 5(2):103-111.  
          e-ISSN 2407-7860; p-ISSN 2302-299X
2015: Macaques and the ritual production of sacredness among Balinese 
          transmigrants in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. American 
          Anthropologist, 117 (1):71–85
2014: Governing fragile ecologies: a perspective on forest and land based 
          development in the region. In: Regional Dynamics in a Decentralized 
          Indonesia, H. Hill ed. (Chapter Book published by ISEAS, 
          Singapore), p: 260 - 284
2014: Socially tolerant relationships among wild male moor macaques 
           (Macaca maura). Behaviour, 151(7): 1021-1044
2013: Determinants of Length of Stay Tourists in Tanjung Puting National 
          Park Central Kalimantan Province. IOSR-JESTFT, Vol.4 No. 6
2013: Habitat use and diet selection in relation to female moor macaque (Macaca maura) 
          reproductive state. American Journal of Primatology, 75: 74-74
2008: Mini risk asessment. Rice cutworm, Spodoptera litura Fabicius (Lepidoptera:  Noctuidae). 
          Applied Entomology and Zoology 43(4): 491-496
2008: Keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan jenis liana (tumbuhan memanjat) 
          pada hutan alam di Hutan Pendidikan Universitas Hasanuddin.  
          Jurnal Perennial, 5(1) : 23-30
2008: Linking collective action to non-timber forest product market for 
          improved local livelihoods: Challenges and opportunities. Washington 
           DC CAPRI Working Paper No. 73
2008: Menerawang kesatuan pemangkuan hutan (KPH) di era otoomi daerah 
          (policy brief). Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)  
          Policy Brief
2007: Linking collective action to non-timber forest product market for improved local livelihoods. 
          International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
2007: Anggaran berbasis kinerja: Tantangan menuju tata kelola kehutanan 
          yang baik (policy Brief). Bogor, Indonesia. Center for International 
          Forestry Research (CIFOR) Policy Brief
2007: Implikasi perubahan kebijakan otonomi daerah terhadap 
          beberapa aspek di sektor kehutanan. Studi kasus di Kabupaten 
          Luuwu Utara, Sulawesi Selatan Center for International Forestry 
          Research: 63 pp. ISBN: 978-979-1412-48-3
2007: Kearifan lokal dalam pemanfaatan hasil hutan di Pampli Kabupaten 
          Luwu Utara. In: Mengungkap Kearifan Lokal Sulawesi Selatan 
          (A. M. Akhmar dan Syarifuddin, Eds.). Kementrian Negara 
          Lingkungan Hidup RI. pp: 177 – 191. ISBN: 978-979-97977-7-3
2007: Pergeseran nilai kearifan lokal dalam pemanfaatan hasil hutan: Studi 
          kasus di Dusun Pampli Kabupaten Luwu Utara. Buletin Penelitian 
          Seri Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 6: 8 – 16. ISSN: 0215-174X
2007: Kontribusi hasil hutan bukan kayu terhadap penghidupan masyarakat 
          hutan: Studi Kasus di Dusun Pampli Kabupaten Luwu Utara. 
          Journal SOCA Vol 7 No. 1. ISSN: 1411-7177
2006: Ketergantungan, persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat terhadap 
          sumberdaya  hayati hutan. Center for International Forestry research 
          (CIFOR): 36 pp. ISBN: 979-24-4666-4
2006: Differences in growth and light requirement of two sympatric 
          congeneric tree species in an Indonesian floodplain forest. 
          Journal of Tropical Ecology Vol 22: 349 – 352. ISSN: 0266-4674
2006: Way Do People Continue to Be Trapped in Poverty? CIFOR  FPG 
           Bulletin Vol. 7, No. 1
2006: Dispersal Pattern of Juveniles of Emergent, Canopy and Shade-
          Tolerant Tree Species on Floodplain Forest Area at Berau, East 
          Kalimantan. Journal Perennial Vol. 2: 31 – 37.
          ISSN: 1412-7784 
2005: Dinamika Proses Desentralisasi Sektor Kehutanan di Sulawesi 
          Selatan: Sejarah, Realitas dan Tantangan Menuju Pemerintahan 
          Otonomi yang Mandiri. Center fro International Forestry Research 
          (CIFOR): 75 pp. ISBN: 979-3361-94-8
2005: The Dynamics of Decentralization System in the Forestry Sector in 
          South Sulawesi: History, Realities and Challenges towards Autonomous 
          Governance. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
          ISBN: 979-3361-95-6
2005: Differences in growth trajectory and strategy of two sympatric 
          congeneric species in an Indonesian flood-plain forest. American 
          Journal of Botany Vol. 92, No.1: 45 – 52. ISSN: 0002-9122
2005: Skontribusi hasil hutan bukan kayu terhadap penghidupan masyarakat hutan: studi kasusu di 
          Dusun Pampli Kabupaten Luwu Utara. SOCA; Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, 7(1) 43991
2004: Effects of gall formation by Neothoracaphis yanonis (Homoptera; 
          Aphididae) on the shoot, fruit, and seed production of Distylium 
          racemosum. Journal Esakia Vol: 44: 125 – 133. ISSN: 0071-1268
2004: Dilema kebijakan perimbangan dana reboisasi. Center for International 
          Forestry Research (CIFOR) Policy Brief
2004: The policy dilemma for balancing reforestation funds. Center for 
          International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Policy Brief
2002: Plant diversity of tropical rain forest after fire. Indonesian Forest 
          Fire and Its Environment Impacts (H. Shimizu, ed.) Japan National 
          Institute for Environmental Studies. Pp: 50 – 55. ISSN: 1341-4358
2002: Proses pemulihan hutan hujan tropika setelah terbakar di Taman 
          Nasional Kutai: Dengan referensi khusus pada daerah punggung 
          bukit. Flora Fauna Vol: 13: 70 – 83. ISSN: 0854-5243
2002: Beberapa pendekatan teknis konservasi eboni (Diospyros celebica 
          Bakh.) secara Ex-Situ. Berita Biologi Vol 6: 353 – 361. ISSN: 0126-1754
2002: Kajian Konservasi Eboni. Berita Biologi Vol 6: 245-248. ISSN: 0126-1754
2002: Cerataphidini (Homoptera, Aphididae) from Sulawesi. The Journal 
          of Systematic Entomology, Vol 8: 115 – 118
2000: An interim report of the 2000 survey of entomofauna on Lombok 
          Island, Bali Island, the Krakatau Islands, and Ujung Kulon, Indonesia.  
          Journal Esakia No. 41 Pp: 1 – 10 ISSN: 0071-1268 
1999: Do Burnt Tropical Rain Forest Need Rehabilitation? Impact of Fire 
          and Human Activities on Forest Ecosys-tems in the Tropics. Pp: 
          429 – 439. ISBN: 979-95875-0-6
1999: Pioneer stages of the natural recovery of a tropical rain forest in 
          Kutai National Park, East Kalimantan, Indonesia after a great scale 
          fire in 1982 -83. Impact of Fire and Human Activities on Forest 
          Ecosys-tems in the Tropics. Pp: 40–51. ISBN: 979-95875-0-6
1999: Recovery Process of Forest Eleven Years After Great Fire in Kutai 
          National Park.  Proceeding of The 2nd Inetrnational Work-shop 
          on Forest Fire Control and Suppression Aspects, Bogor 
          16-21 February 199. 
1997: Technical Approach for Preventing Tropical Forest Against Fire. 
           Proceeding of The International Workshop on National Guide-lines 
           on the Protection of Forest Against Fire, Bogor 8-9 December 1997
1997: Synchronization with host plant phenology and gall site preference of 
          Dinipponaphis autumna (Homoptera: Aphididae). Applied Entomology
          and Zoology. Vol. 32: 81 - 90. ISSN: 0003-6862
1996: Vegetation and its regeneration study based on plant demography on 
          Mt. Kurino-daké, South Kyushu, Japan with special reference to 
          vertical forest zones and seedling of canopy species. Vegetation Science 
          Vol. 13: 95–106. ISSN: 1342 -2448
1996: Gall site preference and intraspecific competition of Neothoracaphis 
          yanonis (Homoptera: Aphididae). Applied Entomology and Zoology. 
          Vol. 31: 299–310. ISSN: 0003-6862
1994: Dynamic of Vegetation in the Tokara Islands. WWF Japan Scientific 
          Report Vol. 2: 117 – 142. ISSN: 0918-2381

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