July 2010
Name : Ngakan Putu Oka, Dr. (P. O. Ngakan in publication)
Affiliation : Conservation Biology and Ecotourism
Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar
Positon : Professor
Mail address : Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Hasanuddin,
Makassar 90245 INDONESIA
Home page etc (if you have):
E-mail Address :
Membership : Indonesia Society of Forestry, Indonesia Society Ecology,
Editor of Perrenial, (Going to be ATBC)
Research Field : Plant Ecology and Conservation
Interested theme : I am interested in studying forest dynamic and the interaction between plant and herbivore. I am also interested in reviewing the policy of Indonesian government, particularly the policy that related to conservation of bioresources.
Brief history of study :
Graduated from the Department of Bioenvironment and Plant protection Science, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Kagoshima University, Japan.
Theme of Doctoral Thesis: "Ecological study of an insect community centered upon Distylium racemosum, with special reference to galling aphids".
Master of Science
Graduated from the Laboratory of Ecology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University, Japan.
Theme of master Thesis: " Altitudinal changes of vegetation and its natural regeneration along the northern slope of Mt. Kurino-daké, Southern Kyushu, Japan".
Bachelor of Forestry Science
Graduated from The Laboratory of Forest Ecology, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia..
Theme of bachelor Thesis: " Structure and composition of forest flora a year after great fire, with special reference to ridge and well drained flat area.
Future plan of study :
Although my afiliation is located at South Sulawesi island, up to now, my study was mostly located at Kalimantan. Here after I would like to pay more attention to study the uniqueness of biodiversity in Sulawsi island.
Publications (English and Bahasa Indonesia):
2008. Tojo, S., Mishima H., Kamiwada, H., Ngakan, P. O. and Chang, K.S. 2008. Variation in the occurrence patterne of male moth of the common cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) among Southeastern Asian countries, as detected by sex pheromone trapping. Appl. Entomol. Zool. 43 (4): 569-576
2008. Komarudin H, Siagian, Y. L., & Ngakan, P. O. Linking collective action to non-timber forest product market for improved local livelihoods: Challenges and opportunities. Washington DC CAPRI Working Paper No. 73
2008. Ngakan, P. O., Komarudin, H., Moeliono, M.. Menerawang kesatuan pemangkuan hutan (KPH) di era otoomi daerah (policy brief). Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Policy Brief
2007. Utomo, N.A., Ngakan, P. O. & Dermawan, A. Anggaran berbasis kinerja: Tantangan menuju tata kelola kehutanan yang baik (policy Brief). Bogor, Indonesia. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Policy Brief
2007. Ngakan, P. O., Achmad, A., Lahae, K., Komarudin, H. & Tako, A. Implikasi perubahan kebijakan otonomi daerah terhadap beberapa aspek di sektor kehutanan. Studi kasus di Kabupaten Luwu Utara, Sulawesi Selatan. Center for International Forestry Research: 63 pp
2007. Ngakan, P. O. Kearifan lokal dalam pemanfaatan hasil hutan di Pampli Kabupaten Luwu Utara. In: Mengungkap Kearifan Lokal Sulawesi Selatan (A. M. Akhmar dan Syarifuddin, Eds.). Kementrian Negara Lingkungan Hidup RI. pp: 177 – 191
2007. Yamada, T, Ngakan, N. P. & Eizi Suzuki. Habitat differences between two congeneric canopy trees, Pterospermum javanicum and P. diversifolium (Sterculiaceae) in an Indonesian floodplain forest. Tropics 16(2), 165-169
2007. Ngakan, P. O., & Achamad, A. Kontribusi hasil hutan bukan kayu terhadap penghidupan masyarakat hutan: Studi Kasus di Dusun Pampli Kabupaten Luwu Utara. Journal SOCA Vol 7 No. 1
2007. Ngakan, P. O. 2007. Pergeseran nilai kearifan lokal dalam pemanfaatan hasil hutan: Studi kasus di Dusun Pampli Kabupaten Luwu Utara. Buletin Penelitian Seri Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 6: 8 – 16
2006. Yamada, T., Ngakan, P. O. & Suzuki, E. Differences in growth and light requirement of two sympatric congeneric tree species in an Indonesian floodplain forest. J. Trop. Ecol., 22: 349-352.
2006 Ngakan, P.O. & Komarudin, H. Way Do People Continue to Be Trapped in Poverty? CIFOR FPG Bulletin Vol. 7, No. 1
2006. Ngakan, P.O., Komarudin, H., Achamad, A., Wahyudi, Ahkmad, T. Ketergantungan, persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat terhadap sumberdaya hayati hutan. Center for International Forestry research (CIFOR): 36 pp
2006. Ngakan, P.O., Yamada, T., Suzuki, E. Dispersal Pattern of Juveniles of Emergent, Canopy and Shade-Tolerant Tree Species on Floodplain Forest Area at Berau, East Kalimantan. Journal Perennial Vol. 2: 31 – 37
2005. Ngakan, P. O., Achmad, A., William, D., Lahae, K. & Tako, A.. Dinamika Proses Desentralisasi Sektor Kehutanan di Sulawesi Selatan: Sejarah, Realitas dan Tantangan Menuju Pemerintahan Otonomi yang Mandiri. Center fro International Forestry Research (CIFOR): 75 pp
2005. Ngakan, P. O. Achmad, A., William, D., Lahae, K. & Tako, A.. The Dynamics of Decentralization System in the Forestry Sector in South Sulawesi: History, Realities and Challenges towards Autonomous Governance. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
2005. Yamada, T., Ngakan, P. O. & Suzuki, E.. Differences in growth trajectory and strategy of two sympatric congeneric species in an Indonesian flood-plain forest. American J. of Botany 92:45-52.
2004. Ngakan, P.O. & Yukawa, J. Effects of gall formation by Neothoracaphis yanonis (Homoptera; Aphididae) on the shoot, fruit, and seed production of Distylium racemosum (Hamamelidaceae). Journal Esakia Vol. 44
2004. Ngakan, P. O. & William, D. The policy dilemma for balancing reforestation funds. Policy Brief Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
2004. Ngakan, P. O. Dilema kebijakan perimbangan dana reboisasi. Policy Brief Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
2002. Nurkin, B., Achmad, A., Ngakan, P. O., Rachman, W., & Paembonan, S. A. Karakteristik Ekologi dan Aspek Silvikultur Eboni (Diospyros celebica Bakh.) Sulawesi Selatan.Berita Biologi Vol. 6, No. 2: 267 – 275.
2002. Ngakan, P. O. 2002. Beberapa pendekatan teknis konservasi eboni (Diospyros celebica Bakh.) secara Ex-Situ. Berita Biologi Vol. 6, No. 2: 353 – 361.
2002. Ngakan, P. O. 2002. Proses Pemulihan Hutan Hujan Tropika Setelah Terbakar di Taman Nasional Kutai: Dengan Referensi Khusus Pada Daerah Punggung Bukit. Majalah Ilmiah Flora dan Fauna Vol. 13, No. 1: 70 – 83.
2002. Ngakan, P. O. 2002. Plant Diversity of Tropical Rain Forest After Fire. In: Indonesian Forest Fire and its Environment Impacts (H. Shimizu Ed.), pp: 50 – 55.
2001. Yukawa, J., Ogata, K., Yata, O., Tadauchi, O., Kamitani, S., Simbolon, H., Partomihardjo, T., Ngakan, P. O. & Yamaguchi, D. An interim report of the 2000 survey of entomofauna on Lombok Island, Bali Island, The Krakatau Islands, and in Ujung Kulon, Indonesia. Esakia Vol. 41 (1): 1– 10.
1999. Tagawa, H., Wirawan, N., Suzuki, E., Shimokawa,, E. and Ngakan, P. O. Pioneer Stages of the Natural Recovery of a Tropical Rain Forest in Kutai National Park, East Kalimantan, Indonesia After a Great Fire in 1982-83. In: Impacts of Fire and Human Activities on Forest Ecosystem in the Tropics (H. Suhartoyo and T. Toma Eds.), pp: 40 – 51.
1999. Ngakan, P. O. Do Burnt Tropical Rain Forest Need Rehabilitation? In: Impacts of Fire and Human Activities on Forest Ecosystem in the Tropics Tropics (H. Suhartoyo and T. Toma Eds.), pp: 429 – 439.
1998 Ngakan, P. O. Recovery process of forest eleven years after great fire in Kutai National Park, East Kalimantan; Proceeding of the Second International Workshop on Forest Fire Control and Suppression Aspects, Bogor.
1997 Ngakan, P. O. Technical approach for preventing tropical rain forest against fire; Proceeding of International Workshop on National Guidelines on the Protection of Forest Against Fire, Bogor
1997. Ngakan, P. O. & Yukawa, J. Synchronization with Host Plant Phenology and Gall Site Preference of Dinipponaphis autumna (Homoptera: Aphididae). Journal: Applied Entomology and Zoology, Vol. 32, No. 1: 81 – 90.
1996. Ngakan, P. O., Tagawa, H., & Yukawa, J. Vegetation and its regeneration study based on plant demography on Mt. Kurino-dake, South Kyushu, Japan with special reference to vertical forest zones and seedlings of canopy species. Journal Vegetation Science, Vol. 13, No. 2: 95 – 106
1996. Ngakan, P. O. & Yukawa, J. Gall site preference and intraspecific competition of Neothoracaphis yanonis (Homoptera: Aphididae); Applied Entomology and Zoology. Vol. 31, No.2
1994. Tagawa H., Kobayashi, M, Ngakan, P. O. Dynamic of vegetation in the Tokara Island. WWF Japan Science Report Vol: 2 Part 2: 117 – 143
1988. Tagawa, H., Suzuki, E., Wirawan, N. Miyagi, Y. and Ngakan, P. O. Change of vegetation in Kutai National Park, East Kalimantan. Mem. Kagoshima Univ. Res. Center S. Occasional Papers 14:12-50.
1988. Miyagi, Y., Tagawa, H., Suzuki, E., Wirawan, N., and Ngakan, P. O. Phytosociological study on the vegetation of Kutai National Park, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Mem. Kagoshima Univ. Res. Center S. Occasional Papers 14:51-62.