A romantic night in the top of a mountain

A romantic night in the top of a mountain
Batu Maringkong



If you don't know what the nature resource is, then you will never understand why conservation is important.

You will continuously exploit nature resources and destroy the earth for money until someday, but it may be too late, you realize that people can't alive by eating money.


Looking for good track to climb

Research member of the Laboratory of Conseration Biologi UNHAS

 Remained in 2014
 Member in 2013



Bali 1
Bali 2


Pine forest 3

Pine forest 2

Pine forest 1

Learning to be a model


Bettrelich Gauge

Counting stars in the sky


Reaching the top


Young members of the Laboratory of Conservation Biology, Hasanuddin University

My Curriculum Vitae by March 2015


Nama: Ngakan Putu Oka  (P.O. Ngakan in Publication)

Place and date of Birth: Bali, March 1960

Nationality: Indonesia

Field Study: Conservation Biology

1997: The United Graduate Scholl of Agricultural Sciences, Kagoshima 
          University, JAPAN Ph.D. in Bioenvironment and Plant Protection 
1994: Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan; MSc. 
          in Biological sciences.
1985: Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Ujungpandang 
          (Makassar), Indonesia;  Bachelor in Forest Ecological Sciences.

Occupation: Lecturer of the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University 
          since 1988
          (Teaching subject: Basic Ecology, Vegetation Ecology, Dendrology, 
          Conservation Biology, Natural Resources Management, Ecotourism. 

Position: Professor

Language and Degrees   
of Proficiency: Bahasa Indonesia (excellent)
                          English (Good, writing/reading better than speaking)
                          Japanese (Good, speaking better than writing)

Office Address: Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Hasanuddin
                            Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, Km. 10.
                            Makassar 90245 INDONESIA
                            Tlp / Fax: 0411 589592

Membership in Professional Societies:  
1. ATBC (Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation)
2. JAFTE (Japan Association for Tropical Ecology)

Research Experiences:
2014: Diversity and distribution of under-canopy species at the Experimental Forest
          of Hasanuddin University
2013: Impact of climate change on the reproduction phenology of some mango species in Makassar
2013: Diversity and distribution of tree species at the Experimental 
          Forest of Hasanuddin University
2012: Ecotourism development in the Field Laboratory of Conservation 
          and Ecotourism of the Experimental Forest of Hasanuddin University 
2012: Socially tolerant relationships among wild male moor macaques 
          (Macaca maura)
2011-2012: National policies and local realities: Synergies of conservation 
          developmment and REDD+ in Indonesia
2011: Macaques and the ritual production of sacredness among Balinese 
          transmigrants in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
2010: Distribution of Diospyros celebica (Bakh.) Juveniles Under the 
          Shed of Their Mother Tree in the Experimental Forest of 
          Hasanuddin University
2009: Diversity of Reptile and Amphibian in the Experimental Forest of 
          Hasanuddin University, South Sulawesi
2008: The Contribution of Non Timber Forest Product to the Forest 
          Community Welfare in Sepakat Village, South Sulawesi, 2008. 
          Tiem Leader; In collaboration with Center for International 
          Forestry Research)
2005-2007: Regeneration Process of Tropical Rain Forest After Fire in 
          Bukit Bengkirai, East Kalimantan; In collaboration with 
          Kagoshima University
2003-2004: Study of Maintenance Mechanism of Biodiversity in Tropical 
          Rain Forest: Plant Ecological Research in Forest of Berau, East 
          Kalimantan  (Indonesian Borneo); In collaboration with Kagoshima 
2002-2003: Decentralization of policy making and administration of 
          policies making affecting forest in the outer Islands; Kabupaten 
          Luwu Utara and Mamuju, South Sulawesi; Team Leader (In 
          collaboration with Center for International Forestry Research)
2001: Research on Decentralization of policy making and administration 
          of policies making affecting forest in theouter Islands; Kabupaten 
          Luwu Utara, South Sulawesi; Team Leader, (In collaboration with 
          Center for International Forestry Research)
2000: Evaluation of the Zonation of Taka Bonerate National Park 
          (a research project coordinated by the Lembaga Penelitian 
          Universitas Hasanuddin); Selayar; Teamleader for coastal 
          vegetational surveyors 3 months,
1999-2000: Research on the Biogeography of Insect fauna in Indonesian 
          Islands (Collaborative research with Kyushu University); Sulawesi, 
          Bali, Lombok; Research Team
1988: The impact of the second fire on the forest of Kutai National Park, 
          East Kalimantan; Team Leader
1994: Study on earlier recovery process of Kutai ecosystem II 
          (A collaborative research with Japanese Scientists); East 
          Kalimantan; 1994; Vegetation ecologist; 3 months.   
          Team member

Publication Lists:
-->2020: Activity budget, home range, and habitat use of moor macaques (Macaca maura) in the karst           forest of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Primate, ??: 1-12
2020: Hubungan vegetsi mangrove terhadap kelimpahan makrozoobenthos di Pantai Pangkajene.
          Jurnal Ilmu Alam dan Lingkungan, 11(1)
2019: Isolation and characterization of bacteria from mangroves sediment at coastal area in Pangkep
          South Sulawesi. Journal of Physica: Conference Series 1341(2): 022016
2019: Interaction with human s are jointly influences by life history stage and social network factors
          and reduce group cohesion in moor macaques (Macaca maura). Scientific Report, 9(1): 1-12ß
2019: Periminary assessment of gastrointestinal parasite in two wild groups of endangered moor
          macaques (Macaca maura) from Sulawesi. International Journal of Primatology, 40(6):
2017: The first study on enteric parasites in wild Macaca maura (HR Schinz, 1825), an endangered 
          species endemic  to Sulawesi (Indonesia): a contribution to the global mammal parasite
          database. Folia Primatologica, 88(2): 190-190
2016: Distribution and population structure of the juvenile of Diospyros celebica Bakh. under the 
          canopy of their mother-tree. Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Wallacea, 5(2):103-111.  
          e-ISSN 2407-7860; p-ISSN 2302-299X
2015: Macaques and the ritual production of sacredness among Balinese 
          transmigrants in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. American 
          Anthropologist, 117 (1):71–85
2014: Governing fragile ecologies: a perspective on forest and land based 
          development in the region. In: Regional Dynamics in a Decentralized 
          Indonesia, H. Hill ed. (Chapter Book published by ISEAS, 
          Singapore), p: 260 - 284
2014: Socially tolerant relationships among wild male moor macaques 
           (Macaca maura). Behaviour, 151(7): 1021-1044
2013: Determinants of Length of Stay Tourists in Tanjung Puting National 
          Park Central Kalimantan Province. IOSR-JESTFT, Vol.4 No. 6
2013: Habitat use and diet selection in relation to female moor macaque (Macaca maura) 
          reproductive state. American Journal of Primatology, 75: 74-74
2008: Mini risk asessment. Rice cutworm, Spodoptera litura Fabicius (Lepidoptera:  Noctuidae). 
          Applied Entomology and Zoology 43(4): 491-496
2008: Keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan jenis liana (tumbuhan memanjat) 
          pada hutan alam di Hutan Pendidikan Universitas Hasanuddin.  
          Jurnal Perennial, 5(1) : 23-30
2008: Linking collective action to non-timber forest product market for 
          improved local livelihoods: Challenges and opportunities. Washington 
           DC CAPRI Working Paper No. 73
2008: Menerawang kesatuan pemangkuan hutan (KPH) di era otoomi daerah 
          (policy brief). Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)  
          Policy Brief
2007: Linking collective action to non-timber forest product market for improved local livelihoods. 
          International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
2007: Anggaran berbasis kinerja: Tantangan menuju tata kelola kehutanan 
          yang baik (policy Brief). Bogor, Indonesia. Center for International 
          Forestry Research (CIFOR) Policy Brief
2007: Implikasi perubahan kebijakan otonomi daerah terhadap 
          beberapa aspek di sektor kehutanan. Studi kasus di Kabupaten 
          Luuwu Utara, Sulawesi Selatan Center for International Forestry 
          Research: 63 pp. ISBN: 978-979-1412-48-3
2007: Kearifan lokal dalam pemanfaatan hasil hutan di Pampli Kabupaten 
          Luwu Utara. In: Mengungkap Kearifan Lokal Sulawesi Selatan 
          (A. M. Akhmar dan Syarifuddin, Eds.). Kementrian Negara 
          Lingkungan Hidup RI. pp: 177 – 191. ISBN: 978-979-97977-7-3
2007: Pergeseran nilai kearifan lokal dalam pemanfaatan hasil hutan: Studi 
          kasus di Dusun Pampli Kabupaten Luwu Utara. Buletin Penelitian 
          Seri Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 6: 8 – 16. ISSN: 0215-174X
2007: Kontribusi hasil hutan bukan kayu terhadap penghidupan masyarakat 
          hutan: Studi Kasus di Dusun Pampli Kabupaten Luwu Utara. 
          Journal SOCA Vol 7 No. 1. ISSN: 1411-7177
2006: Ketergantungan, persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat terhadap 
          sumberdaya  hayati hutan. Center for International Forestry research 
          (CIFOR): 36 pp. ISBN: 979-24-4666-4
2006: Differences in growth and light requirement of two sympatric 
          congeneric tree species in an Indonesian floodplain forest. 
          Journal of Tropical Ecology Vol 22: 349 – 352. ISSN: 0266-4674
2006: Way Do People Continue to Be Trapped in Poverty? CIFOR  FPG 
           Bulletin Vol. 7, No. 1
2006: Dispersal Pattern of Juveniles of Emergent, Canopy and Shade-
          Tolerant Tree Species on Floodplain Forest Area at Berau, East 
          Kalimantan. Journal Perennial Vol. 2: 31 – 37.
          ISSN: 1412-7784 
2005: Dinamika Proses Desentralisasi Sektor Kehutanan di Sulawesi 
          Selatan: Sejarah, Realitas dan Tantangan Menuju Pemerintahan 
          Otonomi yang Mandiri. Center fro International Forestry Research 
          (CIFOR): 75 pp. ISBN: 979-3361-94-8
2005: The Dynamics of Decentralization System in the Forestry Sector in 
          South Sulawesi: History, Realities and Challenges towards Autonomous 
          Governance. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
          ISBN: 979-3361-95-6
2005: Differences in growth trajectory and strategy of two sympatric 
          congeneric species in an Indonesian flood-plain forest. American 
          Journal of Botany Vol. 92, No.1: 45 – 52. ISSN: 0002-9122
2005: Skontribusi hasil hutan bukan kayu terhadap penghidupan masyarakat hutan: studi kasusu di 
          Dusun Pampli Kabupaten Luwu Utara. SOCA; Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, 7(1) 43991
2004: Effects of gall formation by Neothoracaphis yanonis (Homoptera; 
          Aphididae) on the shoot, fruit, and seed production of Distylium 
          racemosum. Journal Esakia Vol: 44: 125 – 133. ISSN: 0071-1268
2004: Dilema kebijakan perimbangan dana reboisasi. Center for International 
          Forestry Research (CIFOR) Policy Brief
2004: The policy dilemma for balancing reforestation funds. Center for 
          International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Policy Brief
2002: Plant diversity of tropical rain forest after fire. Indonesian Forest 
          Fire and Its Environment Impacts (H. Shimizu, ed.) Japan National 
          Institute for Environmental Studies. Pp: 50 – 55. ISSN: 1341-4358
2002: Proses pemulihan hutan hujan tropika setelah terbakar di Taman 
          Nasional Kutai: Dengan referensi khusus pada daerah punggung 
          bukit. Flora Fauna Vol: 13: 70 – 83. ISSN: 0854-5243
2002: Beberapa pendekatan teknis konservasi eboni (Diospyros celebica 
          Bakh.) secara Ex-Situ. Berita Biologi Vol 6: 353 – 361. ISSN: 0126-1754
2002: Kajian Konservasi Eboni. Berita Biologi Vol 6: 245-248. ISSN: 0126-1754
2002: Cerataphidini (Homoptera, Aphididae) from Sulawesi. The Journal 
          of Systematic Entomology, Vol 8: 115 – 118
2000: An interim report of the 2000 survey of entomofauna on Lombok 
          Island, Bali Island, the Krakatau Islands, and Ujung Kulon, Indonesia.  
          Journal Esakia No. 41 Pp: 1 – 10 ISSN: 0071-1268 
1999: Do Burnt Tropical Rain Forest Need Rehabilitation? Impact of Fire 
          and Human Activities on Forest Ecosys-tems in the Tropics. Pp: 
          429 – 439. ISBN: 979-95875-0-6
1999: Pioneer stages of the natural recovery of a tropical rain forest in 
          Kutai National Park, East Kalimantan, Indonesia after a great scale 
          fire in 1982 -83. Impact of Fire and Human Activities on Forest 
          Ecosys-tems in the Tropics. Pp: 40–51. ISBN: 979-95875-0-6
1999: Recovery Process of Forest Eleven Years After Great Fire in Kutai 
          National Park.  Proceeding of The 2nd Inetrnational Work-shop 
          on Forest Fire Control and Suppression Aspects, Bogor 
          16-21 February 199. 
1997: Technical Approach for Preventing Tropical Forest Against Fire. 
           Proceeding of The International Workshop on National Guide-lines 
           on the Protection of Forest Against Fire, Bogor 8-9 December 1997
1997: Synchronization with host plant phenology and gall site preference of 
          Dinipponaphis autumna (Homoptera: Aphididae). Applied Entomology
          and Zoology. Vol. 32: 81 - 90. ISSN: 0003-6862
1996: Vegetation and its regeneration study based on plant demography on 
          Mt. Kurino-daké, South Kyushu, Japan with special reference to 
          vertical forest zones and seedling of canopy species. Vegetation Science 
          Vol. 13: 95–106. ISSN: 1342 -2448
1996: Gall site preference and intraspecific competition of Neothoracaphis 
          yanonis (Homoptera: Aphididae). Applied Entomology and Zoology. 
          Vol. 31: 299–310. ISSN: 0003-6862
1994: Dynamic of Vegetation in the Tokara Islands. WWF Japan Scientific 
          Report Vol. 2: 117 – 142. ISSN: 0918-2381